Murrumbidgee Regional High School - Griffith

Excellence and Innovation

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Tertiary Institutions

Tertiary Education is generally regarded as any form of further education beyond high school. It includes university, TAFE and Private Providers.

How do I choose which?

Look closely at all your interests and abilities. You may have many. Think broadly and don't limit yourself to just one course or career. Look at several. Consider all the tertiary options available to you and suitable for you. Get as much information as you can about all those options and tertiary study generally. Make realistic choices based on the information and sound advice from people who know what tertiary study is all about. The course qualification has the same value at different institutions, but the institutions are very different in style. When choosing where to go, be careful to consider all of the following: the whole range of institutions offering courses of study in areas that interest you, entry requirements, student fees, HECS, administration charges and other costs eg textbooks, program flexibility - do the courses offer a wide range of subject choice or are they fairly restrictive - availability and cost of accommodation, dates of interest, open days and enrolment procedures.


Applying for University.

Use the UAC guide which will be available in August. There is a section at the front of this that explains the application process, read this carefully.

STEP 1: Look through the guide and investigate which courses interest you. Do not just rely on the guide - contact the university and request they send you more information, check out the website for each institution ( see the links below) or go to the Careers Room and ask to see a prospectus for the particular institution you are interested in.

STEP 2: Write out a list of any courses that you are interested in. Note if there are any special requirements e.g. an interview, entrance test or portfolio. Then order them in the preference you would like. Have the course that you would most like to be accepted into as you first preference and then list down to your last preference. Do not forget to have a couple of safety net courses just in case you do not get the ATAR that you expect.

STEP 3: Double check that you meet all requirements before putting in your application.

STEP 4: Contact the Uni to arrange interviews/times for tests etc if this is necessary.

STEP 5: If you intend to apply for on campus accommodation, scholarships or special consideration you need to do this at the time you apply to UAC. Some industry scholarships close earlier in the year so ensure you are aware of deadlines.

STEP 6: Contact the UAC/VTAC infolines and enter your application. Do not forget to get your receipt number and write this down in several places as it is very important.

Early Entry.

The following universities offer Principal's Recommendations or Early Entry Programs:

University of New England University of Wollongong Charles Sturt University University of Notre Dame Australian Catholic University University of Canberra La Trobe University

You will need to go to the institution's website and obtain all the information you need. Download an application form, follow instructions carefully and complete the application requirements. Bring the application form and any supporting documents you need to Mrs Bergamin to have it checked. It is a good idea to ring the institution and inform them that you are submitting your application form and ask if there is anything else you need to do. Make sure you give the form to me well in advance of the closing date so that I can complete the school's requirements. Deadlines must be strictly adhered to NO EXCEPTIONS ARE MADE.



The Good Universities Guide

There are thousands of high-quality courses on offer in Australia, across a wide range of study areas. Courses range from vocational certificates and diplomas through to undergraduate degrees and postgraduate programs.

Here are some factors to keep in mind when choosing the course that is "right" for you; what you will learn, how you will be learning it, entry requirements, cost of study and what career path the course can lead you in to.


New South Wales

Australian Catholic University -
Charles Sturt University -
La Trobe University, Albury -
Macquarie University -
Southern Cross University -
University of New England -
University of New South Wales -
University of Newcastle -
The University of Notre Dame Australia -
University of Sydney -
University of Technology Sydney -
University of Western Sydney -
University of Wollongong -

Australian National University -
University of Canberra -

University of Ballarat -
Deakin University VIC -
La Trobe University -
The University of Melbourne -
Monash University -
Royal Melbourne Institute of Tech -
Swinburne University of Technology -
Victoria University -

Bond University -
Central Queensland University -
Griffith University -
James Cook University -
The University of Queensland -
Queensland University of Technology -
University of Southern Queensland -
University of the Sunshine Coast -
South Australia

The University of Adelaide -
Flinders University -
University of South Australia -

Western Australia
Curtin University of Technology -
Edith Cowan University -
Murdoch University -
The University of Western Australia -

Northern Territory
Charles Darwin University -

University of Tasmania -


Vocational Education Courses provide you with skills and knowledge that will improve your job prospects and prepare you for entry into the workforce. Vocational training courses also count towards meeting HSC requirements and some can also be used as a Category B course when calculating your ATAR. TAFE is also an alternative for those students not interested in attending university but who do want training for specific occupations e.g. hairdressing, automotive jobs etc.

TAFE courses available at Griffith TAFE can be found in their current booklet-for a copy come to the Careers Room. You can also access any information you need at

TAFE Open Colleges

Open Colleges is an online education provider which allows you to study a selection of TAFE courses in the comfort of your own home, and at your own pace. We offer over 100 online courses, including nationally recognised qualifications.

TAFE's University Centre works in conjunction with Charles Sturt Uni. The integrated Business Program is a 3 year program which combines uni and TAFE to enable students to obtain qualifications such as a Bachelor of Business Studies from CSU. The program offers the opportunity to complete the Certificate IV in Frontline Management, the Diploma of Management, the Advanced Diploma of Management, as well as the CSU Bachelor of Business Studies. Students wishing to embark on an accounting degree can now undertake the first year of the integrated Business program in Griffith and then transfer to the CSU Bachelor of Business (Accounting), with their subjects providing up to one year of credit into their accounting course.



Not all students finishing school will want to go to university and some may not attain the necessary marks. Whatever the reasons, many students choose to attend private training colleges for their tertiary education.
The important thing for all students who may demonstrate an interest in studying with a private provider is to make sure the college or institution has government accreditation.
Private providers should be accredited as a RTOs-Registered Training Organisations. Only Registered Training Organisations can issue qualifications and statements of attainment that are recognised nationally.
Recognition of Qualifications
All States and Territories have agreed to a common protocol regarding the levels and definition of qualifications issued for recognised vocational education and training in Australia. This agreement is formalised by the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), which provides a "nationally consistent yet flexible framework for all qualifications in post-compulsory education and training". For further information visit
All registered private education providers must have a policy for the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) to ensure that students' existing knowledge and skills are recognised.
The Australian Council for Private Education and Training is the national association for private education and training providers. Its full members must be registered and their course must be accredited. For further information go to
The following information outlines some of the better-known private providers:

Business & Marketing

Academy of Information Technology
AIT offers students an alternative to a university degree or TAFE study and also an alternative entry into Uni. AIT offers intensive professional IT & digital media training with emphasis on Multimedia, Animation, Digital Filmmaking and Graphic Production. For any additional information please contact 02 92118399 or visit:
APM Training
Bedford College
Financial Services Institute of Australasia
Macleay College
Raffles College of Design and Commerce
Williams Business College

Design, Fashion and Graphic Arts

Billy Blue School of Design
Details are available at
Raffles College of Design and Commerce
Excelsia College Sydney
The Whitehouse Institute of Design

Hospitality and Tourism

Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School at Torrens University

The Hotel School – Intercontinental Hotel Sydney
International College of Management
Kenvale College of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Le Cordon Bleu
Macleay College
William Blue International Hotel Management School .

Film, Television, Games Production, Music Production & Events ManagementThe Australian Film Television and Radio School
The School of Audio Engineering (SAE)
Qantm College
Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE)


A number of private providers offer training required for the award of a Private Pilot's Licence. A number of universities also have courses leading to degrees in aviation, which includes flight training.
Bankstown Helicopters
University of NSW
Bachelor of Aviation (Flying)

Music and Dramatic Arts

Actors College of Theatre and Television (ACTT)
The Australian Institute of Music
Excelsia College Sydney


Pilot Aptitude Training Systems offer training courses for people who are about to sit aptitude tests that are used by the Australian Defence Force Academy. Courses on offer are as follows:
Australian Defence Force Academy
Royal Military College-Duntroon
Aircrew (Pilot, Navigator, Air Combat Officer)
General Entry
Technical Trades
For information please visit


RAFFLES COLLEGE OF DESIGN AND COMMERCE for students  who are interested in Animation, Art & Design/Graphic Design, Creative Digital Photography, Digital Film Making, Fashion Illustration, Games Design and Interior Design. For more info phone 02 96333800.

MACLEAY COLLEGE offers courses in Travel & tourism, Advertising, Event Management & Marketing, Business, Public Relations & Marketing, Journalism, Hospitality Management and Sports Management & Marketing. For full course information please phone 1300939888 or visit:

AUSTRALIAN COLLEGE OF JOURNALISM (ACJ)( is a part of Open Colleges, a partner of North Coast TAFE Institute of Australia, that offers flexible specialised writing and media-related training for more than 25 years.  The trainers are all industry professionals, with years of experience in their respective fields. 

The Australian International Hotel School & Blue Mountains Hotel School Australia
The Blue Mountains Hotel School offers a three-year undergraduate degree program; Bachelor of Business (International Hotel & Resort Management) while the Australian International Hotel School offers a choice of two three-year undergraduate degrees and one postgraduate program: Bachelor of Business (International Hotel Management) Bachelor of Business (International Event Management) and Master of Hotel Management. For further information on both Schools please contact 1800500307 or visit Australian International Hotel and 1800257360 or visit for Blue Mountains Hotel School.

Training Course Professionals Training course Professionals are a Registered Training Organisation specialising in delivery of hospitality, safety and construction courses for individuals and industry. Courses are varied and range from First Aid, Forklift Licence, Cocktail skills, Food Hygiene and many more. For more information please call: 02 92321010 or visit:

APM COLLEGE of Business and Communication
APM College of Business and Communication courses have been developed and designed in consultation with industry professionals. The College offers an interactive, working environment with flexible study options with part time or full- time courses including evening and weekend classes. For full details please phone 1300880610 or visit

William Blue College of Hospitality and Tourism
William Blue College offers a range of courses in Hospitality Management, Tourism Management and Commercial Cookery. They also work in close collaboration with APM to deliver programs in Event Management. To find out entry requirements, courses on offer or any additional information please contact 1300851237. .

Billy Blue College of Design Billy Blue offers courses in four distinct areas, Communication Design, Branded Environment, Digital Media Design and Digital Production. To find out more about these courses and many others phone 1300851245 or visit

The Australian Institute of Music and the Australian Academy of Dramatic Art  for students interested in a career in the music and creative industries - form professional musician to sound engineer, producer, actor, session player, music teacher, drama teacher, promoter, events management, publishing, digital music technologies and many more.



Cultural Care Au Pair. Are you thinking of taking a GAP Year when you finish school? Would you like to experience living in America with a host family caring for their children? Two week's paid holiday plus an extra month at the end of the year to travel around the US. If you would like to find out more about this program call 1800677373 or visit

CCUSA International Working Adventures.
CCUSA is a provider of overseas cultural exchange programs, offering students work/travel exchange programs for the 2009/2010 GAP year season. Some of the countries students can be sent to include USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Latin America, South Africa and Asia. For any additional information please contact 1300859040 or visit

Lattitude is a GAP year project that gives people the opportunity to develop new skills, discover strengths and become part of a local community. Applications are now open for projects departing in 2009 and 2010 with two new countries added to the already extensive list of countries available. The 2010 closing date is 20 May 2009. Full information can be obtained from

Army GAP Year. If you are thinking of a GAP Year in the army contact the defence forces on 131901 or visit The on line application asks you a range of questions to determine your eligibility, suitability and to determine what type of Gap Year roles may suit you.

Pilot Aptitude Training Service would like you to know about an online test prep service they have established. You now have the opportunity to do their full courses from home.This enables you to prepare for the following types of aptitude/ability/psychometric tests online: Onetest, SHL, Australian Defence Force YOU session and GAP Year selection test. Full details are available from