Murrumbidgee Regional High School - Griffith

Excellence and Innovation

Telephone02 6966 9600

Useful links

The following websites are valuable sources of information and give a guide to what is available online.

MRHS - Griffith Careers Website

We utilise the Career Tools platform to provide students with the latest career resources, information and events.

By registering your details on your school's careers site, you will receive up-to-date career news and information relevant to you from your Career Adviser. You can also access tools for resume writing, job applications, and post-school options and opportunities. 

Visit the MRHS - Griffith Careers page.

My Future

With My Future you can get advice about careers, training and study in Australia. You can log on to a personalised tour of the site and gather information at your own pace. There are links, statistics, news, articles and events.

If you go to the "Facts" section you can search individual occupations and find an enormous amount of information.

Career One 

Whether you're looking to change careers or simply want to know what interview questions to prepare for, this is the place for career advice and tips.

Careers Online

At Careers Online get help with career planning, employment and job search.

Job Guide

Job Guide helps young people explore career options and make subject choices. It provides up to date information about a wide range of occupations and education and training pathways that lead to them.

Job Jumpstart

A new Department of Employment site that provides articles and tools which help Australians explore careers and prepare for work.


Jobted allows students and job-seekers to search for job opportunities quickly and efficiently, by aggregating job vacancies, apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities from all Australian career sites, job

boards and recruitment agencies.

Leaving School

A NSW Department of Education site, providing information and options for NSW Public School leavers.

Make Your Mark

Explore career and further education options and get some tips on goal setting and decision making.

Maritime Services

Have you ever thought about a career in the Maritime Services? Careers in Engineering, International & Coastal Seafaring, Marine Environment and many more can all be obtained from attending AMC. For more information including qualifications needed, phone 1300363864 or visit

NSW School-Based Traineeships

Go to website for information.

S1 Jobs

Job hunting in the age of remote work. Essential skills to master virtual interviews and onboarding.

TAFE Open Colleges

Open Colleges is an online education provider which allows you to study a selection of TAFE courses in the comfort of your own home, and at your own pace. We offer over 100 online courses, including nationally recognised qualifications.

The Career Path with Karen Murray

Karen is a Careers Adviser who presents a regular morning segment on ABC Local Radio giving advice about university options, TAFE links, interview tips, apprenticeships, etc. Her interviews can be pod cast from the ABC website.

TVET Courses

For information about Senior Pathways and TVET courses go to:

This is a Department of Education and Communities website. 

Year 13

Year 13 is an online resource for post school options that specialises in providing information and services on Apprenticeships, Gap Year Programs, Job Vacancies, Studying, Money Advice, Internships and the fun of life after school. Partnering with leading companies across Australia Year13 helps facilitate positive choices for young Australians when finishing school.

Youth Central

Youth Central is the Victorian Government's website for young people aged 12-25, filled to overflowing with great information and articles about:
