Murrumbidgee Regional High School - Griffith

Excellence and Innovation

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Boys and Girls Touch Have Good Day in Wagga

Griffith Gala Day

The MRHS – Griffith Open Boys and Girls Touch Teams showcased their impressive abilities and team spirit at the Wagga Wagga Touch Gala last Thursday.

Our boys team results were a mixed bag. They took some resounding victories against Junee, Narrandera and Tumbarumba. Unfortunately, they met their match against Wagga Wagga schools Wagga Wagga High and Kooringal, meaning they won’t progress to the next level of the comp.

Cody Wright’s knowledge and playmaking skills was crucial for setting up tries throughout the day. Riley Curran was a key try scorer on the wing, scoring the most tries of any player throughout the day.

One of the unlikely heroes of the day, however, was TJ Caqusau who celebrated his 12th birthday on the day of the comp. TJ’s energy and speed was a huge asset to the team and demonstrated a surprising understanding of the game from a player so young.

“The boys gelled well as a team,” recounts team coach Maddison Casey, “There were some initially some minor issues with team morale but by the end they were really supportive of one another and were celebrating each others’ achievements.”

Across the field, the girls team got off to a rocky start against age-old rivals Wade with a 5 – 2 loss. They quickly righted the ship and managed to make some convincing wins against Leeton, Yanco, Mt Austin and Tumbarumba which will qualify them to play the finals on 4 April.

Georgia Matthews' communication skills were outstanding and Sophie Webb’s energy kept the sets moving throughout the day. Another Year 7 player Charlie Heffer showed tremendous promise with her versatility on the field.

“The girls got off to a sluggish start with Wade,” explains coach Brad Clark, “but they came together and supported each other as the day went on.”

Well done to both of our teams and best of luck to the girls in the finals next month!