Murrumbidgee Regional High School - Griffith

Excellence and Innovation

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Local Industry Representatives Tour MRHS - Griffith

Grow Our Own Visit

Last week, Grow Our Own, the Griffith Business Chamber and MRHS – Griffith invited local industry to see the inner workings of our school and witness first-hand the wonderful facilities and opportunities we provide for our students.

At 6.30 last Thursday around 30 guests from Griffith businesses turned up to inspect our campus. Careers Teacher Melina Ragusa and a selection of volunteer teachers then proceeded to show them around our STEM room, ag farm, industrial kitchens, workshops and studios.

Over the next hour and a half, the guests learned about how we are setting up our kids for life in the modern workforce. They also got to witness some of our less well known facilities like our pottery room, laser cutter, 3D printers, embroidery machine, photography dark room, thermomixers, industry standard oven.

The initiative was put together after a suggestion from the community that our local high schools were preferencing sending students to university rather than encouraging them to pursue trades. After spending some time at our school, our visitors left confident in MRHS – Griffith’s commitment to vocational education.

“The industry representatives we extremely impressed with what they saw,” recounts Ms Ragusa, “One of the things we heard a lot throughout the tour was “where was all this stuff when we were in school?”’

Thank you to Grow Our Own and the Griffith Business Chamber or working so hard to arrange this tour and to our guests for taking time out of their busy schedules to come and see what happens behind the gates of MRHS – Griffith.

Photos by Grow Our Own