Murrumbidgee Regional High School - Griffith

Excellence and Innovation

Telephone02 6966 9600

Student Leaders Make Big Plans For 2025

SRC Leadership Day

On Friday our Student Representative Council spent the day teambuilding and planning a host of wonderful and exciting projects for 2025.

The day opened with the students completing a variety of challenges together. There was perennial classic human knot, where the groups had to gradually untangle themselves without letting go of each other’s hands. There was also the straw game where students had to transfer M&Ms with straws via sucking and blowing and there was the blindfold photography challenge where a blindfolded student had to try and photograph their opponents without being able to see them.

The students eventually got down to business and determined some goals for the SRC. The young leaders agreed to focus on wellbeing and generally improving the school. They also discussed the school’s participation in the ANZAC Day ceremony and arranged a meeting with youth leadership mentors Burn Bright, as well as planning a calendar full of dress up days, competitions and fundraisers.

“I was very impressed with all of them,” explains SRC supervisor Caprice Skinner, “They had a positive attitude and were willing to get in there and have a go. We had some really good discussions and set some solid plans in place. We now have a good idea of what the year will look like.”

Nominations for the SRC commence in Term 4. If you are interested in taking a leadership position at the school, be sure to put your name forward!