Murrumbidgee Regional High School - Griffith

Excellence and Innovation

Telephone02 6966 9600

Year 9 Geographers Explore Griffith

Year 9 Geography

On Monday, Year 9 Geography put away their books for the afternoon and got out and about to research the geography of Griffith firsthand.

The class first visited the Griffith Visitor Centre to view the displays and check out the video presentations. Students were captivated by the resources available and even came away with some facts and statistics that made them see the town in a new light.

They then travelled up to Hermit’s Cave Lookout at Scenic Hill where they sketched and annotated the view. They also took the opportunity to learn about the titular hermit of Hermit’s Cave Valeria Ricetti and his life in isolation.

“It’s easy to take the town you grew up in for granted,” explains Geography teacher Caprice Skinner, “But through the lens of geography our students gained a newfound appreciation for Griffith.”

Both Mr Wiseman and Miss Skinner were very impressed with the way the class conducted themselves throughout the trip.