Murrumbidgee Regional High School - Griffith

Excellence and Innovation

Telephone02 6966 9600

Orbispace Goes to Sydney for Pitch for the Planet

Orbispace Pitch for the Planet

Our Year 8 Orbispace girls returned to Sydney for the second time to present their pitch for the planet last week. The teams faced competitors from across the state and fared well, with our one of our teams making it to the finals.

The two teams, Green Wheels and Eco Link were required to build a business focused on sustainability. Our Green Wheels team formulated an app that allowed you to plot a trip with an electric car, allowing for charging stations along the way.

The finalists Eco Link focused on creating solar panels along regional highways like the Kidman Way. Their business proposal also included an app to help travellers plot their trip.

“Orbispace has been great for the girls,” explains Orbispace supervisor Sharmane Cunial, “It’s given them skills that they probably wouldn’t otherwise develop until Year 9 and 10. The girls networked with kids from other schools and exchanged numbers and met some fantastic female entrepreneurs. It has opened their eyes to all of the possibilities in start-ups.”

“Both teams spoke really well and represented Murrumbidgee admirably,” adds Mrs Cunial adds, “I think the main thing the girls built was their confidence speaking in public. Even the shy ones were keen to get up there and present their ideas.”

This initiative was made possible through the Murrumbidgee Academy of STEM Excellence and the SISP program. Congratulations on your hard work, girls!